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英语早已成为世界性语言,在南宁,许多人为了自己的生意或是事业在国际舞台上能有所斩获,不得不去学英语。利用下面的这些办法可助你扩大英语知识面,一起来学习吧。 1.Read any English language newspaper aloud and slowly. 大声并且慢慢的读任何一篇英语类的新闻。 Go as slowly as possible in order to understand the meaning of what you are reading, including nuances. While the structure of English is fairly simple in comparison to many other languages, its idioms make it a more difficult language to adequately master. 读的越慢越好,这样你就能理解自己在读的是什么,包括能理解其中细小的差别。跟世界上的其它语言相比,英语的结构是相当的简单的,它的习语使得英语成为难以充分的掌握的语言。 2.Find some children's books. 找一些儿童读物(来阅读)。 Those containing many parables, fables, short stories, and legends are good because they are easy to read and carry interesting messages as well. Reading such stories will give you a better understanding of the words, and you will improve your vocabulary through reading. Children's books with illustrations, such as illustrated dictionaries, are an excellent resource for those learning English as a second language. 这些儿童读物里有很多比较好的比喻,寓言,短篇故事和神话传说,因为它们通俗易懂而且同时还有一些有趣的信息。读这样的儿童读物可以更好的理解英语单词,同时增加词汇量。儿童读物都有插画,像是插图字典,就是英语为第二语言的人学习英语的最佳材料。 3.Prepare your own dictionary of words.Every day, try to write down some of the key new words that you have mastered that day. 准备好你自己的单词库。每天,试着写下你所掌握到的一些重要的新单词。 Go through this dictionary once a week so that you recall the meanings of these words and they permanently stick in your memory. Every time you go through this dictionary, visualize the meaning of those words. For example, for the word "hallucination," try to imagine what the word actually means - you might try to picture someone having a nightmarish dream while awake perhaps. This visualization method will make you understand the subtle differences between similar words such as "consent" and "permission," while also accepting that English has such a rich vocabulary that often you simply need to learn as many new words as possible that all carry similar or identical meanings! 一周复习一次你的单词库,这样你可以清晰的记起这些单词的意思,并且这些单词会永远的留在你的脑海中了。每次你回顾这些单词的时候,设想一下这些单词的意思。比如说,“hallucination”这个单词,试着想像一下这个单词的真正意思—你可能会在脑海中试着勾画出某人在正在做恶梦,或是说即将醒来的样子。这种可视化的方法可以让你理解相近单词之间的细微的差别,像是“consent”同意和“permission”允许,同时你要承受英语丰富的单词量,简单来说你需要学习尽量多的新单词,而且这些新单词很多是意义相近或是完全一样的意思! 4.Construct your own sentences using the words that you have noted in your dictionary. 用你在个人词库中所写下的单词进行遣词造句。 Use those words in your daily conversation with your friends and in your written communications. This will sensitize you to the new words. 在日常跟你朋友的聊天中和写作中用到这些词语。这将有助于提升你对新单词的敏感度。 5.Be methodical. 有条理。 If you follow this method for the next few weeks, then using new words will become a habit. 如果在接下来的几周中你都是按照这种方法进行的,那么你所用到的新词会变成习惯用语。 6.Read aloud as often as you can. 尽可能的大声朗读。 If you are shy of others, you will be only a victim. Therefore, you should never hesitate to take the initiative and engage people in conversation. Reading aloud will help provide you with the extra confidence that you can speak the words clearly and in the right context. 如果你比其它人害羞的话,那么充其量你就是个牺牲品。但是在跟人聊天的时候,不要犹豫,要积极主动的跟人聊天。大声朗读可帮你提升自信,在正确的上下文的语境中你可以把单词说的清楚。
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