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 商业领袖们向来热衷于发表演讲,为年轻人的成功出谋划策。但是,在针对毕业生的演讲者中,很少有人像弗农•乔丹(Vernon Jordan)一样拥有如此丰富的故事和经历。




You, the class of 2012, have been given a gift of immeasurable value, but that gift comes with enormous responsibilities, and that's what I want to talk to you about this morning.




You see, there is very little resemblance between your high school experience and mine. You have been privileged to attend one of the nation's oldest and finest schools, in one of the world's greatest cities. Now I'm not going to tell you that I had to walk barefoot five miles to school … uphill … both coming and going. But I do want to tell you a bit about my high school experience.




I graduated in 1953 from the David T. Howard high school in Atlanta, Georgia. At that time, there were only three high schools in Atlanta for black people, and one was a vocational school. Atlanta did not have any public black high school until 1926.


1953年,我毕业于佐治亚州亚特兰大市的大卫・托比亚斯・霍华德高中(the David T. Howard high school)。当时,亚特兰大只有三所高中供黑人就读,而且其中一所还是职业学校。1926年之前,亚特兰大没有黑人可以就读的公立高中。


When I say the words "black high school," I'm speaking, of course, of segregation. At that time, black people could not attend school alongside white people in Atlanta--or anywhere in the old South.




Atlanta was a thoroughly segregated city. Not just schools, but drinking fountains, libraries, restrooms, public transportation--even parks. Black people were second-class citizens, denied rights, opportunities, and respect.




The year I graduated, the city's school system spent twice as much on white students as on black students: $158 per white student compared to $74 per black student.




My high school did not have an auditorium or a gymnasium until I was in the tenth grade. The chemistry lab had one Bunsen burner. My eleventh grade geometry textbook in 1951 was a tattered cast-off used by white students in 1935.




Despite those conditions, we had a remarkable principal who instructed and inspired us. We had dedicated teachers who educated and encouraged us. We had a vigilant PTA, of which my mother was president.




And despite the disparities, we had some significant success stories. Among our proud alumni are Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.;Herman J. Russell, who became a multimillion-dollar businessman; Walt Frazier, who played for the New York Knicks, and Maynard Jackson, twice the mayor of Atlanta.


虽然存在着诸多不平等现象,我们当中还是涌现出了很多成功人士。令我们骄傲和自豪的校友包括黑人运动领袖马丁•路德•金、身价数百万美元的企业家赫尔曼•J•罗素、纽约尼克斯队(New York Knicks)队员沃尔特•弗雷泽、以及两次担任亚特兰大市长的梅那德•杰克逊。


But they were the exceptions. As a group, we were expected to fail in life. Society's low expectations were reinforced by the Jim Crow system designed to keep us down and out. But my classmates and I overcame these burdens.


但是,他们都属于特例。黑人被看作是一个命运失败的群体。黑人种族蔑视制度(Jim Crow system)让我们处于贫困潦倒的境地,也使社会对我们的期望值再次降低。但是,我和我的同学们克服了这些障碍。


You bear a different burden: the burden of high expectations. Graduating from Fieldston in 2012, you are expected to succeed. You are expected to become leaders in our society.




The burden of responsibility...of opportunity...of leadership...of service. You might rightly wonder to yourself: How can I possibly live up to these expectations?




I would suggest you take three fundamentals to pack in your suitcase for life. They will help light your path as you proceed through life's twisted corners and broken fields, its inevitable triumphs and defeats.




The first fundamental is to keep your integrity. I am talking about the inner conviction to think right, act right and do right. Integrity is the only thing in life you own unequivocally--unfettered and unmortgaged. You can lose your money. You can be pink-slipped from your job. Your inheritance can be spent down to zero. Your business can go bankrupt. Your homes and automobiles can be repossessed. But no one can take away your integrity.




Samuel Johnson wrote: "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."




The second fundamental, I first learned in elementary school. It was emblazoned on the rulers given to us by the Coca-Cola Company (KO). "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." A plain, simple, straightforward injunction for treating people right. Take that simple saying with you, and i promise it will see you through life's most difficult ethical choices.


第二点是我在小学时学到的。“己所不欲,勿施于人”——这也是印在可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company)送给我们的尺子上的一句标语。这句朴实、简单和明了的忠告说尽了待人接物之道。请牢记这句简单的话语,我保证,它会帮你做出生命中最艰难的伦理选择。


Finally, the third fundamental is whatever you do, wherever you go, reach out and help those who need help. Reach down and pull somebody up. Simply put -- make the world a better place.




Integrity, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, help make the world a better place. Three fundamentals of life--easy to remember, difficult to do.




Yet this is your charge to keep, your calling to fulfill.




Walk with courage.




And as you excel, prosper and serve, take with you these words of Herman Melville:




We cannot live for ourselves alone




Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads




And along these sympathetic fibers




Our actions run as causes and return to us as results.




Graduates, this day is both the sunset of your Fieldston career...and the sunrise of the rest of your lives.



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